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Get involved

Our involvement in the community

At Mbikudi we are dedicated to tackle the isolation of women from Black and Ethnic Minorities. In the past, we have organised successful events such as fashion shows, dance competitions, multi-cultural food events for families to come together. We plan to organise many fun family activities to get the community together. Get in touch and Join our Newsletter to stay informed.

In addition, our main ingredients are bought from African Farmers Corporative in Ghana which supports women’s empowerment and assists farmers in providing food and education for their families. 


Workshops and training opportunities

Mbikudi will provide a series of workshops, training and events designed to inspire women to be Naturally Powerful. At Mbikudi, We believe that everyone has something important to share and that every voice matters and should be heard. Our services are designed to educate, empower, inspire and give a voice to our community focusing on the following key areas:


  • Tackling poverty and disadvantage in the African, Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) communities in Scotland
  • To improve BME women’s access to skills, enterprise employment and other services.
  • Tackling isolation, lack of confidence, depression and barriers faced by BME women.
  • The promotion of equality, diversity and empowerment of BME women
  • The promotion of networking, interaction, information share and relationship building in our local communities.
  • Information on Haircare, Mbikudi philosophy and history of African hairstyles


Become a volunteer at Mbikudi!

Volunteers make a huge difference to our work – we rely on our incredible volunteers to help deliver our projects and services to empower women. Volunteering at Mbikudi is a great way to both use the skills you have, and develop new ones! 

As a volunteer, you will be part of a dedicated team working towards improving the lives of women in minority ethnic community members in Glasgow and across Scotland. By giving your time, patience, skills and creativity, you could make an amazing difference and a huge contribution for the community.

For more information and for all inquiries email:

Our Health and Wellbeing Campaigns

Since the beginning of the 20th century, a strange mass phenomenon made women with curly hair use chemically products, such as relaxers or perms, to straighten and alter the texture of their hair. These harsh and very potent chemicals are used to young children as little as 4 years old causing extreme pain, damage and severe burns.

 “Every child has a recognised right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health. We believe that the use of harsh and potent chemicals, in beauty care, that inflicts pain and injuries on children is a breach of Children’s Rights under the Convention on the right of the Child.”

Hermine Makangu, CEO

You can read more about the Children's Rights Convention here
Mbikudi sets out to provide information to assist parents to make better informed choices. Modern researches have shown the harmfulness of chemicals, found in relaxers and perms especially, and how they negatively affect in the overall health of the adults and children. Join our Mbikudi campaign which promotes children rights to health and sets out to ban the use of perms and relaxer on children under 12 years old. You can get involved by emailing us on, by following us on Facebook and by supporting our twitter campaign:
#norelaxerchildrights or #norelaxerisachildright